SMEmPower Efficiency, the European project to improve energy efficiency in SMEs, grew widely during this year and a half. Several actions have been carried out and new opportunities for SMEs and professionals have been proposed.
- The release of the “Energy Efficiency Solutions for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”. The publication, written in conjunction with the sister projects SPEEDIER, E2DRIVER and innoveas, describes the hands-on innovative capacity-building programs designed within the four H2020 projects. The programs aim to eliminate barriers and encourage SMEs to undertake energy audits, implementing the recommended energy efficiency measures.
- The first edition of the SMEmPower Efficiency Education and Training (E&T) Program. The first edition of training course kicked off in the eight EU participants countries. Following the recent pandemic emergency, the training courses were promptly adapted from face-to-face to online mode. The increased flexibility of the training mode allowed to reach a wider audience increasing the number of participants, turning a challenge and a potential barrier into a new project’s opportunity.
- The release of a Program Design and a Training Handbook. The Program Design outlines the common structures of the E&T Program, describing the whole design and implementation process among the eight countries. The Training Handbook is an in-depth report of the Program Design, presenting the Learning Units and their contents used for the E&T training courses. The Training Handbook will be continuously reviewed and updated according to the feedback obtained from participants and trainers.
- The kick-off of the Practical Action in Pilot Sites. Several SMEs in the eight EU participant countries were selected as pilot cases within the first edition of the SMEmPower training course. Through the pilot cases the trainees put in practice the actual knowledge gained in the E&T training course, using tools to perform energy surveys and proposing specific energy saving measures for each pilot site.
- The release of the Monitoring & Targeting (M&T) tool for energy analytics. The tool is one of the SMEmPower Efficiency Energy Analytics Tools under development in the framework of the project. A detailed report is available on the SMEmPower Efficiency website presenting the online M&T tool, which will allow SMEs to undergo energy audits and increase their energy efficiency through effective implementations.
- The launch of the online SMEmPower Training Platform. The live platform is open to all potential participants to the training course. It is the primary reference and repository for people attending the E&T training course and for whoever is interested in learning more about making SMEs more efficient.
- Second edition of the SMEmPower Efficiency E&T
Training course – Edition n.2 | Country and reference contact |
Μεταπτυχιακό μάθημα «Διαχειριστών Ενέργειας» Start and end date: 5th of June 2021 – 10th of July 2021. Practical action (pilot cases): September 2021 | CYPRUS – Mr. Panayiotis Kastanias, Energy Officer of Energy and Environment Department of Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB), pkastanias@oeb.org.cy |
‘Ενεργειακή αποδοτικότητα και βιωσιμότητα σε μικρές και μεσαίες επιχειρήσεις (ΜμΕ) για ενεργειακούς διαχειριστές και ειδικούς στην ενέργεια Start date: September 2021 | GREECE – University of Western Macedonia (UoWM), smempower.greece@gmail.com |
Energieeffizienz und Energiemanagement in Unternehmen (KMU) Start date: 6th September 2021 | GERMANY – adelphi research GmbH (adelphi), schneller@adelphi.de |
Corso E&T “Efficienza energetica e sostenibilità per energy manager e energy professional nelle PMI” Start date: 6th September 2021 | ITALY – Energiada Ltd (Energiada), smempower.italia@gmail.com |
Eficiență și sustenabilitate energetica pentru manageri energetici Start date: November 2021 | ROMANIA – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, www.decidfr.utcluj.ro www.lcmn.utcluj.roDenisa.Stet@ethm.utcluj.ro |
Energetska učinkovitost v malih in srednje velikih podjetjih Start date: 20th September 2021 | SLOVENIA – Industry of Stajerska (SGZ), dr. Dragica Marinic dragica.marinic@stajerskagz.si ; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, dr. Tomaž Katrašnik tomaz.katrasnik@fs.uni-lj.si ; dr. Tine Seljak tine.seljak@fs.uni-lj.si |
Sostenibilidad para gestores y profesionales de la energía (en pymes)” Start date: 15th – 16th November 2021 | SPAIN – Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), elpealpe@upvnet.upv.es |
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability for Energy Managers and Energy Professionals (in SMEs) Start date: September 2021 | UNITED KINGDOM – Joao Patacas, j.patacas@tees.ac.uk |
Are you interested in learning more or work with us at SMEmPower Efficiency?
Find more on smempower.com or please contact:
Grigoris Papagiannis, AUTH, gpapagia@ece.auth.gr
Agnese Riccetti, Energiada, smeempowerh2020 @gmail.com