• The SMEmPower

    Video pills are here!

    In approaching the end of the SMEmPower Efficiency project, we gathered some moments out of the successful work done during the project in the last  two and a half years.

  • The SMEmPower


    3 new webinars-tutorials for the online tools are now available.

  • A novel Education & Training (E&T) programme

    SMEmPower Efficiency

    for energy related SME staff (level 6 of the EQF), decision makers/top management for SMEs and Financing entities

    Ste zainteresirani izvedeti več o projektih za energetsko učinkovitost?

    Ste energetski strokovnjak (inženir, svetovalec, znanstvenik, izobraževalec)?

    SMEmPower Efficiency

    Cilj projekta je spodbujati in pomagati MSP-jem pri izvajanju in implementaciji energetskih pregledov ter ukrepov za povečanje energetske učinkovitosti. Celovit pristop je uporabljen za reševanje izzivov na treh ravneh: na ravni nosilcev odločanja ter na organizacijski in institucionalni ravni.

    SMEmPower Rezultati


    Zadnje novice

    Newsletter #4 in Slovenian

    Newsletter #4 in Romanian

    Newsletter #4 in Italian

    Newsletter #4 in Spanish

    Newsletter #4 in English

    Newsletter #4 in Greek

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